wp-pay-core copied to clipboard
Core components for the WordPress payment processing library. This library is used in the WordPress plugin Pronamic Pay: https://www.pronamicpay.com/, but also allows other plugin developers to set up...
The core library adds a "Remove all plugin data on uninstall" setting on the settings page, even though the plugin might not actually hook `register_uninstall_hook()` or contain a `uninstall.php` file....
The `PaymentMethods::CARD` payment method results in a bordered box in the gateway test meta box if the method has fields (such as with Mollie, in which case it is showing...
It is possible that there is no action URL when starting a payment, e.g. Direct Debit via Mollie (for which we create the token). In this case the user will...
Related to: - https://github.com/pronamic/wp-pay-core/issues/165 > We hebben ook wel overwegen om naar de `WP_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE` instelling te kijken (https://developer.wordpress.org/apis/wp-config-php/#wp-environment-type). Er is echter geen garantie dat staging omgevingen `define( 'WP_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE', 'staging' );`...
Today I had to alert a customer to this setting, and I noticed that we only show this setting in debug mode. _Internal HelpScout ticket: https://secure.helpscout.net/conversation/2454026625/26654?viewId=1425710_ https://github.com/pronamic/wp-pay-core/blob/c743a1506d01274286f51d23debf765004b17d6f/src/Admin/AdminSettings.php#L111-L125 The customer gave...
New admin notice functions are introduced in WordPress 6.4: - https://make.wordpress.org/core/2023/10/16/introducing-admin-notice-functions-in-wordpress-6-4/ > **New functions** > `wp_get_admin_notice()` > Returns the markup for an admin notice. > > `wp_admin_notice()` > Outputs the...
Use `$subscription->new_payment()` instead and/or build the subscription payment in the extension.
In https://github.com/pronamic/wp-pronamic-pay/issues/334 I ran into a problem with the `PaymentMethods::update_active_payment_methods()` method. > Saving a gateway configuration will trigger the `Pronamic\WordPress\Pay\Core\PaymentMethods::update_active_payment_methods( )` method, exceptions in this method are not handled, how...
Within a WordPress environment it is sometimes important that instances of classes are only created once, for example to prevent double filter and action hooks. For example, there are several...
The subscription status 'expired' is sometimes confusing, what happened and will happen with expired subscriptions? https://basecamp.com/1810084/projects/10966871/todos/427461018 https://github.com/pronamic/wp-pay-core/blob/0c4296428a2f31f542113cd81424c5ddd9f4a5d4/src/Subscriptions/SubscriptionStatus.php#L45-L50