Maxim Filipenko
Maxim Filipenko
SEO data
Hello! What do you think about adding additional SEO data to topics?  Now description is empty and OG-data missing. Thanks a lot!
Hello! I've spend some time and cannot figure out, how to register custom fields for `apispec` through `aiohttp-apispec` library. Docs about this at `apispec`: But `MarshmallowPlugin` created inside `AiohttpApiSpec`...
Address #57
Django supports Jinja2 natively since 1.8. So it may be nice feature to have.
Hello! I've met the error when using inline fragments. ## Description Schema: ```graphql type Cat { id: ID! name: String! } type Dog { id: ID! name: String! } union...
Hello! I have the question about `reverse` function. `reverse` have following check: ``` domain = get_domain() if subdomain is not None: domain = '%s.%s' % (subdomain, domain) ``` But if...