Maxim Filipenko
Maxim Filipenko
As a workaround, you could install Django first and then install `django-simple-captcha`.
@maximdanilchenko what do you think about this? Should I prepare PR for this case?
@yakky hi! Thanks for your attention. I've stopped using this fix with my fork, but it would be much nicer to prepare fix for the main version! I will work...
@glemmaPaul ``` field = TagListSerializerField(parser=CommaSeperatedTagsParser()) ``` maybe it will be better to provide custom callable? Not object instance, but callable. And then, in `to_internal_value`, we can call: ``` if self.parser:...
The same problem happens with query, if `Dog` and `Cat` from different locations: ```graphql query { animals { ...CatFragment ...DogFragment } } fragment CatFragment on Cat { id name }...
Turned out this is a lot trickier to fix than I expected. Problem is somewhere there: When gateway handling unions fragments, there added `id` field to unions `SelectionSet`, and...
@mfinley3 @AlecAivazis is there any workaround exists? I see that support file upload PR already merged, but when I try to submit `Upload` scalar I get the same error...
@mfinley3 > I've been able to put a small work around in the gateway.QueryerFactory to detect the mutations with uploads and use the SingleRequestQueryer for now. Could you share it,...
+1 to this issue. Key Bindings default is empty. Sublime 3083, OSX Yosemite. Some observations: Sublime opens `Tern.sublime-keymap`, but repo contains `Default.sublime-keymap` with default settings.
It's hard to find suitable fork with good support. Maybe it will be better to add maintainers for this project, who have time to review PRs and issues? @egrubbs Because...