
Results 263 comments of pravic

What default engine is choosed to run? 1st? If yes, than it is NVIDIA on my pc.

Well, with Intel OpenCL it works well.

Guess yes, because nobody reads the closed issues and you may receive the similar bugreports from everyone who tried ocl.

I've had a look. `ocl\examples>for %f in (*.rs) do echo %f && cargo run --example %~nf > %~nf.log` (run cargo for each .rs file in examples folder). Here are the...

Yep. Sorry for delay, I forgot about it :) Default run: ``` echo && cargo run --example async_cycles 1>async_cycles.log Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.0 secs...

As far as I know, there is no direct support for full screen windows. You can create a titleless window and resize it to the whole display size. Alternatively, you...

Also, better ask this on the official forum to be sure. here's an example, by the way