
Results 263 comments of pravic Sciter.JS supports Vulkan. It's an early build (hence an alternative branch), but eventually it will come:,

You don't need Sciter.Lite for that. > Like I would like to add element for rendering models Where does your Vulkan requirement come from? Is your entire app in Vulkan...

> Also, is it possible to implement custom file interface so it could read custom texture formats from game archives without unpacking the files? Of course, see the corresponding notifications:...

> One option would be to create an overlay window and do the rendering there but this way it wouldn't be possible to integrate it more tightly with the game's...

> I actually need Sciter.Lite because I need windowless sciter, I'm using SDL2 for all window related stuff. Okay, fair enough. > What behavior actually is and how can I...

> It also seems like there's no way to add handlers for custom image formats so I could do stuff like where .tex is a custom texture format. Well, there...

> I want it to be rendered on top of a 3D scene but I also want a control over the rendering process so I can also render 3d stuff...

@SonnyX No, it's not about GCC or a missing library. It's about the [Dual ABI]( @c-smile I am not sure that this is a good idea to link libc++ statically...

I can try to recompile Sciter under different conditions and test on various OS. Will do.