
Results 263 comments of pravic

Do you use goroutines or threads?

Well, then it's really odd, because Sciter itself runs in a single UI thread, and so do its events that are bound to Go's handlers. Is it possible to make...

Oh dear, it'd be really a challenge to OCR your screens.

> Did the SetHtml function has the onLoaded event? It can be the `CONTENT_CHANGED` event. @c-smile Andrew, could you comment on this issue?

It's called by GC, because of [`runtime.SetFinalizer`](, which is registered here: Also its documentations says > A single goroutine runs all finalizers for a program, sequentially. So it looks...

@ibenben Your Go version, by the way?

I think, you can specify `CGO_CFLAGS=-DSTATIC_LIB` , `CGO_LDFLAGS=-lsciter-win-64` and recompile go-sciter package.

It is better to ask such questions on forum:

Just put a sciter dll/so/dylib near the executable. HTML/CSS/Tis files either in their own folder or linked into executable. Or just in zip archive.

Yes, correct. Or just like this where dlls in the same directory as executables: