Prasoon Mahawar
Prasoon Mahawar
If this issue is still open , may I work on this I am new to open source and this will be my good first issue
> Go for it @wolbek! This file `brave/browser/resources/settings/brave_overrides/settings_menu.js` is probably a good starting point 😄 @fallaciousreasoning Is this the correct path? not able to find it
@fallaciousreasoning I have created the pull request , whom should i assign for review?
May I work on this
@Verisimilitude11 if not yet assigned , can you assign it to me?
@austincondiff Can you please add more details :)
> @prasoonmhwr ✅ Done. Would you like me to assign this one to you? Yes please, I would love to work on this :)
@austincondiff may i know which file i can find this code
@austincondiff if I am making any changes in `TerminalPreferences` file it throws an error `Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=EXC_I386_GPFLT)` , here is the screenshot of my changes This is happening for...
Hey Guys, I am using this `terminal.cursorStyleChanged(source: terminal.getTerminal(), newStyle: SwiftTerm.CursorStyle.blinkUnderline)` to update the cursor but this is not working in swiftTerm, any ideas? I even wrote to SwiftTerm Q&A but...