Pragmatic Software

Results 8 issues of Pragmatic Software

## Todo * [ ] Add `queried_location` to JSON response ## Details A while ago I submitted a PR to add `includeLocation` to the weather query in order to get...


Additionally, lines that contained trailing whitespace were trimmed.

Just a quick heads-up to let you know that in the Visual Studio Marketplace description, I noticed "Shortcut" was typoed as "Shortcurs". I see the same typo here in the...


Currently the Sequence dialog's right-click context menu has two entries: - Copy to clipboard - Add to favorites Can we get a third entry: - Create alias This entry could...

compose rules

I've been enjoying KiTTY very much. But more and more often lately, I encounter Unicode math symbols in my terminal that KiTTY renders as squares but Windows Terminal renders fine:...


I desperately want to be able to configure mintty to open URLs with a simple left-click without needing to hold CTRL. A configuration option to allow this would be very...

### What Operating System(s) are you seeing this problem on? Windows ### Which Wayland compositor or X11 Window manager(s) are you using? _No response_ ### WezTerm version WezTerm-windows-20240212-074107-22f9f8d2 ### Did...


Let's say I have this fantastic app installed on my phone and on my tablet. Say I use it most of the time while on my phone and that's where...