
Results 9 comments of pownkel

@mscatyao Is this still on the roadmap for app gateway, and if so can you let us know what the timeframe is?

Thanks for the suggestion, @madalynrose! I changed the class name to `CardFooterInstanceActionButtons` to avoid confusion with the `CardFooterMenuItem` type.

Note that the notes in the [A11y pass template](https://microsoft.sharepoint.com/teams/DD_VSCS/CandC/Keros/_layouts/OneNote.aspx?id=%2Fteams%2FDD_VSCS%2FCandC%2FKeros%2FDocuments%2FKeros%20Engineering&wd=target%28A11y%20Assessments.one%7CE3B2B901-4E9C-44FC-91D5-2D42841155ED%2FTemplate%7C01765BFA-2A55-41B1-861E-0E53E667F76F%2F%29%20onenote:https://microsoft.sharepoint.com/teams/DD_VSCS/CandC/Keros/Documents/Keros%20Engineering/A11y%20Assessments.one#Template&section-id={E3B2B901-4E9C-44FC-91D5-2D42841155ED}&page-id={01765BFA-2A55-41B1-861E-0E53E667F76F}&end) should be updated once this is complete

@ferBonnin I don't have much context for why this was originally infeasible, but I have a working version on [my own branch](https://github.com/microsoft/accessibility-insights-web/compare/main...pownkel:accessibility-insights-web:reflow-cards?expand=1) that reflows those buttons similarly to how it's...

@ferBonnin this is complete and the change is in canary!

@ferBonnin After investigating, Chrome doesn't seem to have a way to block notifications for an extension, and the functionality for blocking notifications from a site doesn't work with extension URLs....

Edit: _Most_ other buttons still change color when hovered. I've found similar issues in a few other popup menus. The first screenshot in each pair is from Canary, the second...

+1, PAT tokens must be rotated manually and long-lived PATs are a potential security risk. My team would find it very helpful if there was a built-in way to use...

My team would find this helpful as well, we're currently getting a security alert for using `ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force` but as far as I can tell we don't have any...