Poornima JD

Results 18 issues of Poornima JD

Even though i followed the official documentation for caffe installation i still get this error ,Can anyone please help me out with this?I am stuck with this issue since long

Great work @ankitdhall and team! I tried using this implementation with velodyne-32C and Zed camera.This is my setup- ![Screenshot from 2020-09-29 19-40-21](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/31023599/94649441-4e20d000-0312-11eb-810c-5436c21adb9f.png) I have changed the topic names in the...

Hello,Great work! I have a pytorch segmentation model,which has been trained on a custom dataset.When I convert this model to the tensorrt version,I get a decrease in miou score from...

Hello, thanks for the open source! I have a object detector- yolov4 implemented .I wanted to know if I can use a tracker say KCF (opencv ) for multiple object...

Hello great work @AlessioTonioni and team! I am trying to use the work for training on custom data which has dense depth maps as shown below: ![depth_0](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/31023599/84587651-bec4df00-ae3e-11ea-92f1-9a2b8a75a026.jpg) These are not...

Hello @carlosmccosta ,thank you for the open-source. I checked out some of the issues and readme,but I am not very clear about the 3dof localization. I had a few questions-...

Hello For the lidar camera calibration , I created a bag file by using a launch file to run both velodyne lidar and zed camera together and hence record the...

Hello I tried lidar camera calibration using a checkerboard in different poses,marking 5 points in each pose,for both camera and point_cloud.But I get the following reprojection- ![Screenshot from 2020-09-30 18-27-47](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/31023599/95011897-cc9eaa00-0651-11eb-9bf9-12c2a9a03eed.png)...

Great work @kuixu! In the code you have taken the lidar points falling in the fov of the image using this function- > https://github.com/kuixu/kitti_object_vis/blob/master/kitti_object.py#L290 But first we need to find...

Hi Great work! I was using Convert_Velo_2_Pano.ipynb for my Indian Driving Data(IDD) and the lidar used for this dataset is Velodyne VLP-16.I changed the angular resolution and hfov and vfov...