N Pollecutt

Results 18 issues of N Pollecutt

## What A java script that is ingested is not showing on the works page ![SACERC7](https://github.com/wellcomecollection/wellcomecollection.org/assets/1446072/832c1a71-e6c2-4b13-b3bf-04a64e3de652) ## Where SA/CER/C/7 https://wellcomecollection.org/works/d2fp58qm ## To do - Show the script on the works...

Bug 🐛
epic: born digital download

## What Licence information on the METS is not making it's way onto the works page ## Where PP/DBL/A/1/17 https://wellcomecollection.org/works/qd84awx8 This should be CC-BY-NC For comparison, items ingested before the...

Bug 🐛
epic: born digital download

## What PPDBL/B/14 is restricted. A IIIF manifest has been made for it though. https://iiif.wellcomecollection.org/dash/Manifestation/PPDBL_B_14 ## Where The works page is showing “Available to download’ and the license information and...

Bug 🐛
epic: born digital download

## What The alignment wiggles down the page, even for things that have the same name ## Where PP/DBL/B/4a https://wellcomecollection.org/works/htzhunbw PP/DBL/E/3 https://wellcomecollection.org/works/tzdty2uj ![PPDBLE3](https://github.com/wellcomecollection/wellcomecollection.org/assets/1446072/2444d4bd-b6fe-47fd-9da4-16fb0a7b0af2) ## To do - Align per designs...

Bug 🐛
epic: born digital download

## What? Look into how to make it clear which categories active filters are from e.g. Subjects, Contributors Decide if this is needed for all potential active filters or only...

improvement ✨

Reported at https://wellcome.slack.com/archives/C8X9YKM5X/p1694679851925819 These two works show up in the API as being available in Closed stores and on Open shelves but their works pages only show them as being...

🐛 Bug

['Fetching records from source catalogues'](https://app.gitbook.com/o/-LumfFcEMKx4gYXKAZTQ/s/ugy1ZKDdm0lDIJmianqu/) has documentation for CALM and MIRO but not Sierra. Alex pointed out that some of that exists at https://github.com/wellcomecollection/catalogue-pipeline/tree/main/sierra_adapter and that the info needs to...

✍️ Documentation & RFCs

## What Displaying the exhibition highlights causes a redundant horizontal scroll bar to appear lower down the page ![image](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/d0e05a2c-c9c3-4ab3-807a-28f7f95a30a9) ![image](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/b4a530b6-45f9-4d23-bb53-9f1e7da5d557) The horizontal scroll is there for all viewport widths. ##...

Bug 🐛
needs: dev