N Pollecutt

Results 18 issues of N Pollecutt

# What is it and who's it for? This collates a few examples of members wanting to view something online, being very close, but not being able to get to...

improvement ✨

- [x] Write research plan - [ ] Conduct contextual study onsite - [ ] Conduct exit interviews with visitors - [ ] What analytics are we using? - [...

epic: exhibition guides

**What** Some people won't understand what 0.5x 1x 1.5x means on the audio player **Where** Speed controls on the audio player **TODO** - [x] Improve labels of play/mute buttons to...

blocked ✋
epic: accessibility
needs: analyst

# What? For: - IP-10-0-1-77 - IP-172-56-62-250 - IP-172-57-85-177 - IP-10-0-2-185 - IP-10-0-3-144 - IP-172-28-66-251 - IP-10-50-0-19 - IP-10-50-0-251 - IP-10-50-0-39 - IP-10-50-1-16 - IP-172-31-15-128 - IP-10-50-3-25 - IP-10-50-3-88 please...

needs: triage

**What** https://wellcomecollection.org/works/h4t88h83 Under 'Where to find it' click the link '+235 more'. It takes at least 15 seconds to display the large number of volumes and makes it appear that...

needs: dev

## What The file format MIME types are too long and are pushing the menu way too wide ![PPDBLD6](https://github.com/wellcomecollection/wellcomecollection.org/assets/1446072/d88e2aff-c822-467c-a93a-2cade2a55daa) ## Where https://wellcomecollection.org/works/butp6xgr ## To do - From [Ashley](https://wellcomecloud-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/a_ray_wellcome_ac_uk/EeeDxW3Cy19Ak7oPBGgoAlMBVleBArNbU9u0vkrT28S_pg?e=DOWCOt&clickparams=eyAiWC1BcHBOYW1lIiA6ICJNaWNyb3NvZnQgT3V0bG9vayIsICJYLUFwcFZlcnNpb24iIDogIjE2LjAuMTY3MzEuMjA3MTYiLCAiT1MiIDogIldpbmRvd3MiIH0%3D&CID=73DFE4CF-7EAB-4534-914D-5FE81653B914&wdLOR=cCCD4194C-C330-47B3-AECA-6D5C100F8FFE)

epic: born digital download

## What The file name plus the file format MIME type is stretching this objects menu too wide ## Where https://wellcomecollection.org/works/cyuss787 ## To do - From [Ashley](https://wellcomecloud-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/a_ray_wellcome_ac_uk/EeeDxW3Cy19Ak7oPBGgoAlMBVleBArNbU9u0vkrT28S_pg?e=DOWCOt&clickparams=eyAiWC1BcHBOYW1lIiA6ICJNaWNyb3NvZnQgT3V0bG9vayIsICJYLUFwcFZlcnNpb24iIDogIjE2LjAuMTY3MzEuMjA3MTYiLCAiT1MiIDogIldpbmRvd3MiIH0%3D&CID=73DFE4CF-7EAB-4534-914D-5FE81653B914&wdLOR=cCCD4194C-C330-47B3-AECA-6D5C100F8FFE)

epic: born digital download

## What - files missing from the hierarchy - one tiff not downloadable: 25._FD_UMIST_clinic.tif ## Where PP/FDN/E/2 https://wellcomecollection.org/works/hxcnerud ## To do - All files are in the hierarchy - 25._FD_UMIST_clinic.tif...

epic: born digital download

## What See [Slack](https://wellcome.slack.com/archives/CUA669WHH/p1721297684063939) This text is at the bottom of the page and should be at the top per https://web.archive.org/web/20240409063927/wellcomecollection.org/pages/YDaZmxMAACIAT9u8 ![image](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/d22689f9-56f9-4dbf-ba2a-dad3be4c83a1) Possibly due to the new body/slices and landing...

Bug 🐛

## What The MIME type for the bmps are showing correct in IIIF builder as [PROJECT1.BMP](https://iiif.wellcomecollection.org/dash/Asset/5/PPDBL_A_1_41---PROJECT1.BMP) image/bmp (Windows Bitmap) [fmt/116](https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/PRONOM/fmt/116%22%20/t%20%22_blank) | 1046 x 760 [S3: PPDBL_A_1_41---PROJECT1.BMP](https://s3.console.aws.amazon.com/s3/object/wellcomecollection-storage/born-digital/PPDBL/A/1/41/v1/data/objects/PROJECT1.BMP?region=eu-west-1&tab=overview) But on WC it’s...

epic: born digital download