
Results 4 issues of poisonowl

DNS leak with firewall selected and also when not selected- and with the different firewall configurations selected or not selected or combinations selected or not selected (block lan/ private networks,...

Using Ubuntu 16.04 and Qomui v. 0.8.2 Whether or not Qomui has been previously installed or is a fresh install, it can take up to 30 or more attempts to...


Ubuntu 16.04 and Qomui v. 0.8.2 Additional firewall rules saved and checked and applied ("preserve pre-existing firewall rules"). Each time Qomui starts, it ignores these settings and disables additional firewall.


Please see my previous comment on issue #52 I decided I'd give it one more shot installing 0.8.1 I removed and purged the working version 0.7.3 (works fine for me)...
