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📬 postprocessing for react-three-fiber

Results 104 react-postprocessing issues
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Ramp effect for linear and radial color gradients, as well as masking of effects before it in the effect array Example: - ![Screen Shot 2023-06-09 at 9 42 32...


See #236 for additional details Would be great to hear your feedback on this. This code ```tsx const changed = (current.length !== api.selected.length) ? true : !current.every(o => api.selected.includes(o)) ```...

- [x] non minified version of glsl - [x] resize/re-render issue - [x] added a CSB ex

A minimal `Example` component effect example with a story, just for CONTRIBUTING purpose.

Hi and thank you for your fantastic work on this project. I've just encountered what I believe is a performance bug with the `` component. In this trivial example, I...

I currently have Meshes loaded into a scene, all of which are wrapped in a ``, which applies an `` effect upon selection. Additionally, our viewer will have a feature...


I'm getting the following error in browser: ```caught ReferenceError: React is not defined at DepthOfField (index.js:209:1) at renderWithHooks (react-reconciler.development.js:7363:1) at updateForwardRef (react-reconciler.development.js:11457:1) at beginWork (react-reconciler.development.js:13880:1) at beginWork$1 (react-reconciler.development.js:19513:1) at performUnitOfWork...

Hello, I'm using SSAO pass for my scene. It works great for the most part, but when I apply it to a model with vertices that are animated in a...


Hi, I'm very happy to use r3f and react-postprocessing now with my project. By the way, I found something strange about the `OutlineEffect`. I tested the props `patternTexture` in OutlineEffect,...