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📬 postprocessing for react-three-fiber

Results 104 react-postprocessing issues
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Migrates markdown files from pmndrs/website so they can be co-located with the library and fetched remotely at runtime.

Continuing a discussion from ### What I want A space to test out all effects with tools to tweak the settings. Think of [Leva]( or the controls panel from...

Passing a scene and camera to `EffectComposer` should contain the effects to the scene, however, rendering in this way clears previously rendered scenes (even with `autoClear={ false }`) Barebones test...

Missing Type "focusRange" on DepthOfField

Hello, I am trying to use eskil property of vignette effect but it does not seem to do anything, at least with current versions of React, React-Three-Fiber and React-Postprocessing Here...

We want to use three.js r159 and above but the version of `postprocessing` used (6.33.3) has a peer dependency of `

Bumps [vite]( from 4.3.9 to 4.5.2. Release notes Sourced from vite's releases. [email protected] Please refer to for details. [email protected] Please refer to for details. Changelog Sourced from vite's...
