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Plone Documentation

Results 183 documentation issues
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### Plone Documentation versions affected - [ ] 5.x - [X] 6.x ### Description The secondary navbar that shows the in-page table of contents should always display and should be...

### Plone Documentation versions affected - [ ] 5.x - [X] 6.x ### Description The code / method for overrides in Views, Viewlets, Tiles are nearly the same, as well...

99 tag: classic-ui

draft PR for nuclia docuentation cc: @stevepiercy @ebrehault

## Plone Documentation versions affected - [ ] 5.x - [X] 6.x ## Description After we upgrade the theme, we can install []( ## Update ``. ```python r"", # volto,...

### Plone Documentation versions affected - [ ] 5.x - [X] 6.x ### Description This should be dark as well. ![screenshot_2023-06-29_10:38:23_selection](

01 type: bug

### Plone Documentation versions affected - [ ] 5.x - [X] 6.x ### Description This issue is merely a reference to We want this. Tooltips and permalinks would also...

### Plone Documentation versions affected - [X] 5.x - [X] 6.x ### Description

### Plone Documentation versions affected - [ ] 5.x - [X] 6.x ### Description Upgrading to the latest `sphinx-book-theme` will resolve this issue. We have it working in Training now....

The link in is broken. You can only find it in, in fact, at When you go there, you have an option to go to

99 tag: Plone 5.x

Just went through the exercise on Under "Inserting Rows" where it has "Connection ID" and "Arguments" (twice), can we add a screenshot? I'm too embarassed to say how much...

04 type: enhancement