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Plone Documentation

Results 183 documentation issues
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@stevepiercy Tried this locally. It installs but I'm getting errors while building the docs, so I'll push it here to make it easier to take a look.

### Links of affected pages in Plone Documentation, if any. - - ### Description Both of the above installation instructions could be replaced with an include, but the...

04 type: enhancement
42 lvl: moderate

### Description We need to give direction to users for what frontend to choose in the Plone 6 Documentation. We laid out a skeleton in [Overview]( for a comprehensive description...

42 lvl: moderate
99 tag: classic-ui

### Plone Documentation versions affected - [ ] 5.x - [X] 6.x ### Description The [plone-backend container documentation]( does not explain how to add add-ons except through `ADDONS` variable, which...

42 lvl: moderate
99 tag: backend

Per, updates are needed to the following: - - - _Originally posted by @stevepiercy in

42 lvl: moderate

### Plone Documentation versions affected - [ ] 5.x - [X] 6.x ### Description chapter needs content. It will appear when is merged. ### Source material -

99 tag: backend

tl;dr: details about how to migrate to Volto from Classic UI are needed. The suggested one-liner in `[docs/backend/upgrading/version-specific-migration/]( is a good start, but @fredvd offers further details that should be...

The documentation seems good, but there are certain things that does not 'work' for widgets / groups. Example: ```python if group.__name__ == 'something': #Not working #group.widgets['due_date'].disabled='disabled' #group.widgets['due_date'].template = Z3ViewPageTemplateFile("") #Works...

01 type: bug
31 needs: help
42 lvl: moderate
99 tag: Plone 6.x
99 tag: classic-ui

### Plone Documentation versions affected - [ ] 5.x - [X] 6.x ### Description There are at least a dozen packages that use various themes for publishing their documentation. Plone...