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Plone Documentation

Results 183 documentation issues
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### Description To make it easier it would be nice to have the external docs from also as a myst version. The final docs will be part of the...

33 needs: docs
99 tag: Plone 6.x

This section is completely it under rewrite process?

21 status: confirmed
31 needs: help
33 needs: docs
42 lvl: moderate
99 tag: Plone 6.x

04 type: enhancement
22 status: in-progress

### Links of affected pages in Plone Documentation, if any. - ### Description The sub Chapters like we have them in the trainings, is not help full here. It...

04 type: enhancement
42 lvl: moderate
99 tag: classic-ui

Vale released a new version 3.x a few days ago. GitHub Workflows still expect v2.x. This also needs to be done in Volto and Training.

It's a best practice to run Volto in seamless mode, where the API is served at the same domain with the /++api++ prefix. This avoids complications with browser cross-origin restrictions...

Documentation should have current screenshots of its user interface for its end user manuals, for both Classic UI and Volto. We also want to detect when there is a change...

04 type: enhancement
43 lvl: complex

In `requirements.txt` remove the temporary pins after we upgrade to the latest theme. ``` sphinxcontrib-applehelp==1.0.4 # Documentation only, temporary pin sphinxcontrib-devhelp==1.0.2 # Documentation only, temporary pin sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp==2.0.1 # Documentation only,...

Search engines have indexed `` heavily. We need to set up 301 redirects on the server. I don't have access to do this. @polyester @fredvd have access. We should also...

01 type: bug

See This PR does nothing until the Volto PR is merged.