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Google Play game services - Android samples

Results 84 android-basic-samples issues
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In the MainActivity of TypeANumber why do we need to use override for onShowLeaderboardsRequested method ?

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Hi, we've noticed high error rate in Google Cloud Platform console in one of our applications which uses cloud save functionality recently. Another project which uses cloud saves looks fine...

Earlier this year we've bumped into the following issues: the built signed with the upload certificate started experiencing really long delays up to a few minutes before being logged in...

When trying to build with the latest Google's Play Games Services (21.0.0) I'm getting: `cannot find symbol method getSnapshotFromBundle(Bundle)` I wonder if Google will be so nice and will...

android-basic-samples/CollectAllTheStars2 uses Drive.SCOPE_APPFOLDER at the same time it is deprecated!!! Any hope to gen new sample in near future?