EIP-PlantUML copied to clipboard
EIP-PlantUML adds Enterprise Integrations Patterns elements to PlantUML to provide easy support of designing EIP architectures for both, up-front design as well as development-time automated documenta...
At https://camel.apache.org/eip.html you find some variants on the typical EIP pattern icons which could be an improvement to the original icons introduced by GH. The EIP-PlantUML icons could be checked...
Adapt the merging script to put the sprites into a separate puml file to be included in the standard library.
If no stereotype and label are provided the square (rectangle) is a minimal version in PlantUML. Find a way to improve this visual.
The content-based router should provide much more flexibility - based on https://www.enterpriseintegrationpatterns.com/patterns/messaging/ContentBasedRouter.html E.g. based on incomming message type and message type to be routed with multiple icons? - create function...
To meet the original examples from the book, there is one way of annotating groups of messages like in the following example: ``` HIDE_STEREOTYPES() Message(newOrder, "New order") Message(item1, "Item 1")...
When stereotypes are turned off, all the different channel types cannot be distinguished. Maybe there is a better way in visualizing the channel types.
Message store could be changed to the same way the control bus is used. Would be much more appealing in graphs.
The `Message History`Element is rather hard to create with PlantUML. However, it would be interesting for a programmatic approach. It should be investigated if the message element can be modified...
The initial message bus element provides only limited flexibility in terms of connectivity and sizing. - check if the rectangle is necessary - check if the message bus symbol can...