Alain Plantec
Alain Plantec
AFAIK BlMorphicWorldMorph is not used anymore. remove it :) (BlMorphicWindow is used to host a BlSpace)
I've checked. I hate this kind of code. I certainly do not understand deeply, but, in this case: afaik: a lot of computation, a lot of declarative and generic stuffs...
and you can add the classes BlKeyCombinationVisitor, BlKeyCombinationConverterCNF, BlKeyCombinationConverterDNF to compute DNF and CNF. It seems to me that it is over-engineered in the context of key binding. At least...
instead of when:do: one should use addEventHandler: as in: clickHandler := (BlEventHandler on: BlClickEvent do: [ :event | do something ]). self addEventHandler: clickHandler. then one can remove the handler...
I agree, I find these names confusing too. And we should avoid Rectangle computation as much as possible
no = please. now, token properties can be added dynamically in a theme. @pierre, this is not that one should take the class. I said to store an instance in...
BlMouseDownEvent >> #ifPrimary: aPrimBlock secondary: aSecBlock middle: aMidBlock other: anotherBlock is crappy and would be not necessary
yes but if the gap to have then finished work is not too expensive, I think that the better is to do it now.
afaik there is no such method.
possible with BlFrameLayout: ```smalltalk | root centered | root := ToElement new layout: BlFrameLayout new. root matchParent. centered := ToElement new constraintsDo: [ :c | c frame horizontal alignCenter. c...