Philip Brechler

Results 11 issues of Philip Brechler

Hi there, The component crashes if the user (for what ever reason) double clicks the NSStatusItem to close the popover. This is a fixed hidePopover method: ``` - (void)hidePopover {...

I really like the idea of getting a slack notification of a new tester signing up (see #20 ) so I implemented it. Note: I am not a ruby developer...

cla: yes

Hi! I am running on a Particle Photon with 2.1.0 and particle-hap 1.0.16. I am using the Door example code with some modifications to control a relay that interacts with...

If I try to use the program I'll get an error message saying that this program can only be run be git, even if it is started by git.

### The problem I don't get any events from my Nuki Opener anymore using the nuki integration. Opening works fine, the device is responsive but there are no events fired...

integration: nuki

### Troubleshooting Guide - [X] I have followed the steps in the troubleshooting guide and my issue is either not listed or is not solved. ### Description Installed my Upsy...


Hi there, I build my tapsterbot, inserted my iPhone 5, opened the calibration website, added it to my home screen and started calibrate();. The bots does it's thing going down,...

When using MessageBanner under iOS 9 in a NavigationController the banner is stuck under the navigation bar.

Is there any best practice on how to draw on a user provided image using jot?

Hi there, I installed sikuli using pip in a virtualenv. If I now do a from sikuli import \* I get a jnius.find_javaclass (jnius/jnius.c:12117) jnius.JavaException: Class not found 'org/sikuli/api/robot/desktop/DesktopMouse' can...
