Hi, Could you please help me troubleshoot the following error when running the aberrant splicing module? ``` [Fri Mar 22 18:38:56 2024] rule AberrantSplicing_pipeline_FRASER_04_fit_hyperparameters_FraseR_R: input: /gpfs/commons/groups/clinical/pkrithivasan/CBI-342/GEN_n16_GTEx_n50_AS/Output/processed_data/aberrant_splicing/datasets/savedObjects/fraser/filter_FRASER2.done, Scripts /AberrantSplicing/pipeline/FRASER/04_fit_hyperparameters_FraseR.R output: /gpfs/commons/groups/clinical/pkrithivasan/CBI-342/GEN_n16_GTEx_n50_AS/Output/processed_data/aberrant_splicing/datasets/savedObjects/fraser/hyper_FRASER2.done...
Hi, I get the following error while trying to run the aberrantSplicing module and would like to get some help with troubleshooting: ``` Error in rule AberrantSplicing_pipeline_Counting_01_1_countRNA_splitReads_samplewise_R: jobid: 17 input:...
Hi, I am running DROP on a small dataset of 10 samples for a test run, and am running into the following error with the AberrantSplicing module: ``` Error in...
Hi, I'm running DROP v1.4.0 on a set of 10 samples, with only the AberrantSplicing and AberrantExpression modules. The AberrantExpression module completes successfully, but I get the following error with...