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Error in AberrantSplicing_pipeline_FRASER_04_fit_hyperparameters_FraseR_R
Hi, Could you please help me troubleshoot the following error when running the aberrant splicing module?
[Fri Mar 22 18:38:56 2024]
rule AberrantSplicing_pipeline_FRASER_04_fit_hyperparameters_FraseR_R:
input: /gpfs/commons/groups/clinical/pkrithivasan/CBI-342/GEN_n16_GTEx_n50_AS/Output/processed_data/aberrant_splicing/datasets/savedObjects/fraser/filter_FRASER2.done, Scripts
output: /gpfs/commons/groups/clinical/pkrithivasan/CBI-342/GEN_n16_GTEx_n50_AS/Output/processed_data/aberrant_splicing/datasets/savedObjects/fraser/hyper_FRASER2.done
log: /gpfs/commons/groups/clinical/pkrithivasan/CBI-342/GEN_n16_GTEx_n50_AS/.drop/tmp/AS/fraser/04_hyper.Rds
jobid: 0
reason: Forced execution
wildcards: dataset=fraser
threads: 12
resources: mem_mb=100000, mem_mib=95368, disk_mb=100000, disk_mib=95368, tmpdir=/gpfs/commons/groups/clinical/pkrithivasan/CBI-342/GEN_n16_GTEx_n50_AS/tmp
Rscript --vanilla /gpfs/commons/groups/clinical/pkrithivasan/CBI-342/GEN_n16_GTEx_n50_AS/.snakemake/scripts/tmpb865ksln.04_fit_hyperparameters_FraseR.R
Load packages
Loading assay: rawCountsJ
Loading assay: psi5
Loading assay: psi3
Loading assay: rawOtherCounts_psi5
Loading assay: rawOtherCounts_psi3
Loading assay: rawCountsJnonsplit
Loading assay: jaccard
Loading assay: rawOtherCounts_jaccard
Loading assay: delta_jaccard
Loading assay: delta_psi5
Loading assay: delta_psi3
Loading assay: rawCountsSS
Loading assay: theta
Loading assay: rawOtherCounts_theta
Loading assay: delta_theta
Fri Mar 22 18:39:25 2024: jaccard
dPsi filter:FALSE: 49215
Error in colVars(x, rows = rows, cols = cols, na.rm = na.rm, refine = refine, :
Argument 'dim.' must be an integer vector of length two.
Calls: optimHyperParams ... colSds -> colSds -> .local -> <Anonymous> -> colVars
Execution halted
Config file parameters:
run: true
- fraser
recount: false
longRead: false
keepNonStandardChrs: false
filter: true
minExpressionInOneSample: 20
quantileMinExpression: 10
minDeltaPsi: 0.05
implementation: PCA
padjCutoff: 0.1
maxTestedDimensionProportion: 6
genesToTest: null
deltaPsiCutoff : 0.1
quantileForFiltering: 0.75
Hi, hard to say.
Can you try loading the FRASER dataset located inside /gpfs/commons/groups/clinical/pkrithivasan/CBI-342/GEN_n16_GTEx_n50_AS/Output/processed_data/aberrant_splicing/datasets/savedObjects/fraser/
in R and checking its dimension?
Another idea would be to try rerunning with minDeltaPsi: 0
Hi, as @vyepez88 said, it's hard to know for us what is going on without more information. Could you provide what version of DROP you are using as well as the output of
Best, Ines
Hi @vyepez88 , this might have been an issue related to insufficient memory. I was not able to reproduce this error when I ran the tool on a machine with increased memory. Thanks!