
Results 17 issues of pkill37

I still _occasionally_ find time to maintain this project, but could use some help. Is anyone interested in helping maintain this? Ideally your daily driver is macOS.

It would be nice if this script came bundled with a utility to filter out invalid data like The other utilities are nice too but too specific to your...

Right now if you wanted to download k samples of each class (malignant and benign) you would have to manually download the malignants first ``` python --num-images k --filter...

Sometimes the script hangs while trying to download a specific description or image. When the user requests a specific number k of samples, it would be nice if the script...

For additional clarity and peace of mind, specify the end offset in the download confirmation prompt

Are these images also appropriate for CI/CD, you think? Basically running `flutter test`, `flutter analyze`, and `flutter build`.


I am not a Flutter expert, but Flutter writes stuff to special files and directories when installing packages and whatnot. If one is using Docker images such as this one...
