
Results 8 issues of pjwelsh

File /etc/yum.repos.d/microsoft-prod.repo in packages-microsoft-prod-1.0-1.noarch from rhel 8 repo has a typo: baseurl=https://packages.microsoft.com/rhel/8.0/prod This link destination does *not* exist. The ".../8/prod" does. However, it would be best to use the "$releasever"...

The rhel 8 repo has mssql-tools but not the mssql-cli (at least) https://packages.microsoft.com/rhel/8/prod/ The centos 8 repo has the mssql-cli but not the mssql-tools (at least) https://packages.microsoft.com/centos/8/prod/ For rhel 7...

Going from CentOS 8-Stream to AlmaLinux using just the "-d" is not enough based on my testing. I suggest adding the "--allowerasing" at least. Also, the failure notice given from...

There is a variable in almalinux-deploy.sh named "exclude_pkgs" to protect some key packages from removal (namely in the distro-sync operation). There should be a way to protect other locally installed...

**Describe the bug** The file firmware.xml.gz (https://cdn.fwupd.org/downloads/firmware.xml.gz) is not equal to firmware.xml.xz (https://cdn.fwupd.org/downloads/firmware.xml.xz). firmware.xml.gz seems to be from last year. **Steps to Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior. fwupdmgr --assume-yes...


At least the SPECS/pg_bulkload-pg15.spec file needs the addition of a "BuildRequires" that has the addition of "ccache": BuildRequires: ccache, postgresql15-devel, postgresql15 How are you using "rpmbuild" to build the different...

@dell-client-linux Much like a previous related issue with using just "generic placeholders" (https://github.com/fwupd/firmware-dell/issues/91), please remove the generic "5X10" and use the actual laptop model number since: 1. You are not...

Searching for specific model number when grouped with an "X" placeholder does not seem to provide good search capability. Please the specific model number that are included. Example searches: latitude...