Pieter Joost van de Sande

Results 21 comments of Pieter Joost van de Sande

An alternative to @duckbrain his solution it to use `gofmt` to update the imports. Just run the following at the root of your project after you (re-)generated the files: ```...

@j0hnsmith it is a nice workaround, but it requires you to write a custom import in every file where you need that errors package. It will also not work with...

> Running `gofmt` doesn't fix the imports for me :( Did you ran this from the root without the `werror` import?: `gofmt -w -d -r '"errors" -> "github.com/pkg/errors"' **/*.go`

It is open again!! Thanks @mtibben 👍🏻 Lets improve on this one. I have a personal branch with some fixes that might be interesting to pull. It just switches to...

@promontis First of all, thanks for making the effort to write an event store implementation on top of StreamsDB. Very much appreciated! I've created a pull request that introduces the...

The are still 3 things left to do: * Support stream deletes (this is blocked by the current beta release of StreamsDB) * Add readme and example to the EventFlow.EventStore.StreamsDB...

It would be awesome to see this coming to Qutebrowser.

@markstos awesome! That's all I need to be honest. Thanks for sharing this 🙌🏻

any reason why this pull is still open?

This issue still seems to be present in the latest release.