Piyush Singariya
Piyush Singariya
You should add more permutations and mailtestings cause it's predicting fake email
### Is there an existing issue for this? - [X] I have searched the existing issues ### Current Behavior The start month of each experience is different in downloaded pdf...
#### Current Behavior The current code coverage is less than 30% check here https://app.codecov.io/gh/meshery/meshery #### Expected Behavior Increase this code coverage up to 80%, this time! --- #### Contributor [Guides](https://docs.meshery.io/project/contributing)...
_See [mesheryctl Command Tracker](https://bit.ly/3dqXy1q) for current status of commands._ #### Desired Behavior Currently we only just run the `system` commands as the part of Integration Tests, The tests should be...
## Environment - **Source Connector and version**: dynamodb 0.1.0 - **Step where error happened**: Sync job ## Current Behavior If DynamoDB tables contains any reserved keyword in dynamo expressions it...
#### Desired Behavior Lifecycle commands for `meshery-nighthawk` container is required as subcommand under `mesheryctl perf` - `perf start` will start `meshery-perf` container in docker/kubernetes and add an entry for the...
termbox lacks a ShowCursor function.
Enhance it to update a table from https://github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter
_See [mesheryctl Command Tracker](https://bit.ly/3dqXy1q) for current status of commands._ #### Current Behavior mesheryctl is using https://github.com/sirupsen/logrus everywhere #### Desired Behavior `Logrus` needs to be replaced with `meshkit` logger --- ####...
**Low Code Driver**, developing for reducing code maintainance for Saas based drivers. - `yml` based declarative connector - Support for adding additional complex streams via code - Declared `yml` streams...