See #137 and #162
@myjimmy @MelbourneDeveloper Maybe it's easier the use to Filters in Wireshark like: `usb.src == "1.2.1" or usb.dst == "1.2.1"`
This is really weird! Same issue here with BIQU B1 and TFT35-B1 with [BIGTREETECH-TouchScreenFirmware](https://github.com/bigtreetech/BIGTREETECH-TouchScreenFirmware) in Marlin Mode. So I guess it has noting to with this Firmware. Maybe it is...
Weird... Today I dismounted the Display Unit from the Printer and hooked in my Logic Analyzer. The Issue was gone. Looks like the Problem does not happen when the Display...
@hapklaar Ok. But why isn't it grounded? In what Country do you live? Sounds unsafe to me... Did two successful prints in a row and the Display is still not...
I've had no issues since the Display is "disconnected" with the Chassis Ground.
Sending Numeric Values as float for all MQTT Variants would be good practice.
I had the same Keyboard Problem with Rustdesk 1.1.9 on German Windows 10 (Host and Remote). Update to current Rustdesk 1.2.0 Nightly fixed the issue. **Note:** You need up updating...
There is also the hardware limitation of the movement of the x-axes, as the Bed can't move much further back for the probe to reach the end. With the BLTouch...
Same issue. Maybe this is because `#define EEPROM_AUTO_INIT` is enabled in `Configuration.h` ? Looks like there are some people having simular issus if enabled. Noticed it is also enabled in...