
Results 6 comments of pitpalme

No need to use any approximation or self defined constant ... I was curious what the exact, time zone neutral, and constant value might be and figured there already is...

Apple documentation at https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Cocoa/Reference/Foundation/Classes/NSDate_Class/Reference/Reference.html#//apple_ref/doc/c_ref/NSTimeIntervalSince1970 states ``` objc #define NSTimeIntervalSince1970 978307200.0 ``` Programmatically using ``` objc [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%f", NSTimeIntervalSince1970] ``` gives ``` 978307200.000000 ``` HTH.

Actually it's usage of standard library for sha* hashing, as far as I am aware. Couldn't find sha-crypt with it's 21 steps in my sdk. To be honest I couldn't...

Nevermind, please hold back this PR. I'll rearrange code. Just noticed "MD5Crypt" in md5crypt.go and will try to move implementation into a separate file and in a similar simplicity.

Here I am - again. I've moved implementation, so "basic.go" is kept slim. Open to suggestions for improvement - and open for pointers to SHA crypt implementation in standard library....

OK, I guess I'm done. Sorry for not submitting one commit at one time. But I wanted to not miss the chance for general feedback, before tweaking the code. Would...