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Are Timestamp correct?
I couldn't use the application yet as I'm not on my Mac but I have extracted the database file from my iPhone and took a look at it with a sqlite database browser.
I could see the timestamp is not standard and after checking the source code here, I could see the comment in the code saying Apple seems to start from January 2001 instead of the unix January 1970.
In the sql query, I used the same addition than in the source code (31_365.25_24_60_60) but the results seem to be off a little (a few hours).
Going to the website http://calendarhome.com/, I got that between January 1970 and January 2001, there are 978307200 seconds and so I added those instead.
Now I seem to get something closer to reality for the timestamp.
Do you people who used the app get correct timestamps?
I noticed this too. The formula in the code equates to 978285600. Using MySQL to figure out the right number gives me:
mysql> select unix_timestamp('2001-01-01 00:00:00');
| unix_timestamp('2001-01-01 00:00:00') |
| 978325200 |
That's 6 hours difference. Using sqllite3 gives a different answer though, 11 hours different:
sqlite> select (julianday('2001-01-01') - julianday('1970-01-01')) * 86400;
I recompiled the binary with both values, changed the code so it bucketed the data points by day instead of week, and it still seems to be 1 day off (comparing to my calendar so I know where I was on a particular day).
I suppose the way to tell for sure (apart from asking Apple) is to look at the data on a phone where the exact activation time is known. Thoughts?
My timestamps (as displayed on iPhoneTracker) are off by a few years! Places dated in 2010 actually should be 2006!
It's very possible our displayed timestamps are off by a few hours, since I used that quick approximation in the code. I'll update it to your value in the source, thanks.
On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 8:03 PM, kurisutofu < [email protected]>wrote:
I couldn't use the application yet as I'm not on my Mac but I have extracted the database file from my iPhone and took a look at it with a sqlite database browser.
I could see the timestamp is not standard and after checking the source code here, I could see the comment in the code saying Apple seems to start from January 2001 instead of the unix January 1970.
In the sql query, I used the same addition than in the source code (31_365.25_24_60_60) but the results seem to be off a little (a few hours).
Going to the website http://calendarhome.com/, I got that between January 1970 and January 2001, there are 978307200 seconds and so I added those instead.
Now I seem to get something closer to reality for the timestamp.
Do you people who used the app get correct timestamps?
Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/petewarden/iPhoneTracker/issues/13
No need to use any approximation or self defined constant ... I was curious what the exact, time zone neutral, and constant value might be and figured there already is a constant defined "NSTimeIntervalSince1970".
So "iOSToUnixOffset" can be removed and unixTimestamp calculated like this:
const float unixTimestamp = (timestamp+NSTimeIntervalSince1970);
To even simplify the code one could replace
const float timestamp = [timestamp_number floatValue];
const float unixTimestamp = [[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceReferenceDate:[timestamp_number floatValue]] timeIntervalSince1970];
deleting "iOSToUnixOffset" and later "unixTimestamp" definition. But I have not idea if this heavy "NSDate" instantiation and initialization affect performance significantly. I'd think so but haven't measured yet.
Could someone do a print of NSTimeIntervalSince1970's value please? Would be useful to know the exact number, to use on sql queries or windows version of the software ;-)
Apple documentation at
#define NSTimeIntervalSince1970 978307200.0
Programmatically using
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%f", NSTimeIntervalSince1970]
ok Thanks!