Paul Itoi
Paul Itoi
using the latest release from Google Play: To recreate: - attempt to tap on an Audio or video link in a chat
- notifications show up on the lockscreen under "Other" which is below other priority notifications - after a certain number of push notifications come in without opening the app, the...
We need to add a "mark as read" option when you haven't been in a chat for a while, it can take a long time to scroll to the latest....
The user needs more information on what's happening while a payment is being processed and clear error msgs if it fails. (placeholder ticket)
Suggestion from lombitron: android app and desktop been able to use ` inline ` and ``` multiline ```
User reported that the latest Calyx OS update is resulting in very laggy scrolling in tribes and chats.
Is it possible to show the controls on the lock screen (similar to how iOS handles active audio?)
The artwork on the podcast view is too wide for the screen.
The default boost amount displayed as "0" in the podcast interface when I was testing a new user install. The default value in the profile is 100. Once I visited...
- only show pricing policies for the customer selected for the workflow - show the subskill menu below the skill menu (currently it's near the bottom) - Polygon jobs: write...