Piper Haywood

Results 40 issues of Piper Haywood

[The `cp_lazyload_content_images` filter](https://github.com/piperhaywood/commonplace-wp-theme/blob/464fbc3e2a5528c4f35a0780917a0e4a85cb15e6/commonplace-theme/func/cleanup.php#L68C1-L68C59) is causing an extraneous slash in the RSS feed, which in turn causes [issues in things like MailChimp](https://us5.campaign-archive.com/?u=b742bada83aeb883d3fcc0066&id=89103b91ef). Example: ``` ```


Currently, likes via Webmentions don't seem to be displayed if comments are turned off. They're also formatted kind of funny.


- Increase the max width to 48rem - Restructure the typographic system so that child themes can override extremely simply with fewer CSS vars - Introduce a full-width, left-aligned page...

Realized that my @mixin method of applying font styles directly to child-most elements makes it really difficult for ppl to override them in child themes or the WP customizer. At...

Have done some of this but not enough.

Related to pfefferle/wordpress-webmention#318 I enabled facepiles without realizing, currently they don’t look right with this theme. Ideally this would be improved. Also, might need to consider how they could be...


Am 99% sure that this theme doesn’t currently work that well with rtl languages. Would be good to get that sorted. See this for some basics: https://medium.muz.li/web-design-for-right-to-left-languages-the-basics-287329d508cf
