bumping this :-) -- a most excellent app!!
Very frustrating. I can’t believe this issue not fixed yet. Still broken on iPhone SE, iOS 12.3.1, Lockwise app 1.6.2 ☹️ Tried: Reinstalling Sign out / sign in Changing timeout
Is there anything / anyway I can provide access to my account / device to help with reproducing this? I could do teamviewer to a laptop while streaming my device...
For what its worth, I had the same issue on a clean install iPhone, so I suspect something about this is account/content related.
I'm really trying to be polite here, and this is not a personal attack, but I feel that perhaps your team is not giving this issue a high priority. Here...
I have found that when I click the suggested login details in the autofill popup - nothing happens. However, I have found that when I choose "Lockwise...", and use the...
@influous can you please add this screen shot to your commit?
@influous -- how come you deleted this? The app has not been added yet?