khal icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
khal copied to clipboard

:calendar: CLI calendar application

Results 169 khal issues
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We used an awful lot of try/excepts in this PR, so if you have a better way of doing it you're welcome ! Anyway this PR might not be perfect...

This is rebased onto color theme plugins and the json import branch. Initial support for plugins that implement commands. Example (put this file at `~/.local/share/khal/plugins/overview/`): ```python from khal.api import register_command...

it would be great if we could create events with human-friendly readable date parsing such as: - `next monday at 3pm` - `today at 2pm` - `in 1h` - `every...

type: enhancement

Im am trying to create a weekly recurring task for khal, but its crashing due to some timezone issue ### command used > khal new -a private 06/04/2023 sample task...

type: bug

Hi, I'm pretty new to ikhal, but i'm having an issue which i'm not sure if that's how it normally is or if i'm missing something. Let's say i add...

type: question

Hi there, I am a newbie in use 'khal' and I am very happy thanks to all. I couldn't find anything about his translation, is there anything planned? I'm ready...

help wanted
type: announcement

Is there any option to skip empty days? Also, it would be awesome if exit code is a non-zero value for days without any events. Cheers and thanks!

If I'm not mistaken, khal.db is just a cache file and as such it would make more sense to me to store it under XDG_CACHE_HOME by default instead of XDG_DATA_HOME....

type: enhancement

Hi, I would be glad if khal would not only support the Gregorian calendar, but other calendar systems too. For me the **Hebrew calendar**[1] would be interesting as it also...

type: enhancement
help wanted
lv: hard