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:calendar: CLI calendar application

Results 169 khal issues
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Thanks a lot for writing `khal`! I'd love to be able to filter all events, e.g. by category or description. Also negative filtering would be great. E.g. I have some...

In interactive ui, when the right events widget is focused: - pressing up/down arrows changes the selected event, which updates the selected day in the left calendar widget - using...

We currently use [urwid]( for ikhal and while it works fine, its [development seems to have stalled]( On the other hand, a new contender for the same space has emerged:...

type: discussion

theme choice added for config file.

Would you consider supporting these fields familiar from the ical format?

type: enhancement

As we are breaking backwards compatibility anyway, we should try to clean the code base. Some ideas: - [x] there are lots of different ways to create events at the...

I would like to be able to see what the recurrence is for a recurring meeting, particularly on import. As the event display is controlled by a `--format` or equivalent...

type: enhancement
help wanted
beginner friendly

Command `khal -c path/to/config configure` results in the creation of `~/.config/khal/config` instead of ``path/to/config`

type: bug

After the most recent update to `khal` I get the following error when I try to import an `.ics` file from neomutt with the binding `macro attach \Ck "khal import...

type: bug

When walking through day-by-day list, then some longer events won't fit in the bottom pane, and currently we can't scroll it. I propose this to be possible; would suggest `alt+{n,p}`...

type: enhancement