khal icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
khal copied to clipboard

:calendar: CLI calendar application

Results 169 khal issues
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**Describe the bug** When adding an alarm in ikhal to an existing or new event the program crashes. **If applicable: Stack Trace** ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/jason/.local/share/pipx/venvs/khal/lib/python3.11/site-packages/khal/ui/",...

type: bug

**Describe the bug**: If the `view.agenda_event_format` variable has the `{alarm-symbol}` in it and an event has an alarm, it will push the final character (either the frame or the last...

Hello, I have added autocompletion of attendees in the event editor. This works by exposing an additional configuration option "address_adapter" in the account section. The command specified there is run...

**Describe the bug** As of now some available fields can't be displayed when using `--json` flag, e.g "attendees" **To Reproduce** ``` khal list --json attendees today today [{}, {}] #...

everything's in the title i just used the `khal printics` command and i'm sure we can do better! the [rich]( library is pretty awesome and could be used for that...

type: enhancement

With this PR we support plugins that provide color themes. A first example plugin implementing a gruvbox plugin can be found here: here ![image](

My config has the following: ```conf [locale] default_timezone = America/Los_Angeles local_timezone = America/Los_Angeles ``` My computer's timezone is set to UTC. It's displaying `2019-01-22 06:30:00` right now. In Los Angeles,...

type: bug

We should support plugins, probably most useful for UI changes. There have been several suggested major changes or additions to the UI (as PRs). I'm hesitant to merge (or even...

type: enhancement
type: discussion
help wanted

Currently supported: * adding event formatters, see [tcuthbert/khal]( for an example * adding new color themes for ikhal, see [khal_gruvbox]( for an example * adding new commands, see [khal_navigate]( for...