Piers Olenski

Results 24 issues of Piers Olenski

### Issues - [X] I have checked [existing issues](https://github.com/jose-elias-alvarez/null-ls.nvim/issues) and there are no existing ones with the same request. ### Feature description Hey! I'm moving from Neoformat to null-ls. I...


When I run `:GrammarInstall` I get the following error when trying to start vim: ```Spawning language server with cmd: `/Users/piers/.local/share/nvim/lsp_servers/ltex/ltex-ls` failed with error message: EACCES: permission denied```

Long time lover of this plugin. I recently started running my dotfiles through a GitHub action and I get the following error that makes the CI fail: ``` Installing sbarex-qlmarkdown...

When using this script with [CSS Scroll Snap](https://www.w3.org/TR/css-scroll-snap-1/) the scroll gets stuck on the top of the container. Try adding it to this Codepen for example to see the problem:...

Is it possible to add the option to highlight blockquotes in themes? The [vimwiki syntax](https://github.com/vimwiki/vimwiki/blob/619f04f89861c58e5a6415a4f83847752928252d/doc/vimwiki.txt#L1424) seems to cover it (without highlighting) but it would be great to have the Markdown...


Would like to start by saying this project is awesome! I couldn't find much in the way of a suggested way to use notebooks remotely away from the terminal though....

When using a `plopfile.js` that loads generators from another file via `plop.load`, the descriptions appear missing when running `plop` from the command line. Should they be retained by default or...

good first issue

Is it possible in the case of formatters that run in conjunction with a linter, to lint the code first before formatting? I use this plugin in conjunction with [AutoSave](https://github.com/Pocco81/AutoSave.nvim)...

When using `const { trackEvent } = useTracking();`, Typescript throws the following error: ```Avoid referencing unbound methods which may cause unintentional scoping of this. If your function does not access...

Heya! There used to be a global for checking if auto saving was enabled or not, `vim.g.autosave_state`. Some of my custom config has broken since the update - is there...