Piers Olenski

Results 37 comments of Piers Olenski

When you say you don't consider this an issue, with your setup do you have this jarring jumping effect - or is there a workaround for it? https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1285419/169655839-cab934eb-68db-4899-af48-36a696253baf.mp4 For example,...

Yes, the default behaviour for most autosave plugins is to save on the `InsertLeave` event, alongside `TextChanged`; https://github.com/Pocco81/AutoSave.nvim#setup-configuration / https://github.com/907th/vim-auto-save#events. Once you stop ever having to hit save it becomes...

With https://github.com/Pocco81/AutoSave.nvim, formatting before saving via the `hook_before_saving` rather than via `null-ls` seems to work, albeit feeling slightly slower... ``` local autosave = require("autosave") autosave.setup() autosave.hook_before_saving = function() vim.lsp.buf.formatting_sync() end...

That's awesome! I've played around with the two methods... the first has the advantage of there being no split-second view of the unformatted code, but it feels a tiny but...

What is the currect best practise to escape a key binding mapped to a custom function? For example, I have the following code: ``` cmd mkpath %{{ printf "Create: "...

Also getting this with Starship regardless of whether in tmux or not...

Same issue here 😥

I want this so much! I was thinking of implementing it from scratch, by using the [display_changed signal](https://github.com/koekeishiya/yabai/blob/master/doc/yabai.asciidoc#signal) to destroy spaces, recreate them, looping through the open apps and sending...

Hmm, `qlmarkdown` is the one in my Brewfile, but I'm still getting this error. Any idea why it would be trying to install `sbarex-qlmarkdown` when just using `"cask "qlmarkdown"`?

It actually installs fine on my system, the issue is happening in the GitHub action, which is a clean install on the latest version of macOS 🤔