Results 192 issues of piegames

Let me know what you think. Closes #81

Thanks to all those XDG offenders (looking at you, Chromium and Electron :angry:), I have an extensive list of backup exclusions. I'd like to periodically check that I don't accidentally...


I'd like to `print!` to an ArrayVec or ArrayString on `no_std`, where `std::io::Write` does not exist.


I'm running into trouble because my writer isn't `Send` and `Sync`. This, however, is required to be able to use it in `Builder`. Doing a quick check at the source...

JavaFX 13 has released now and it allows for images backed by native buffers.

What isn't checked automatically isn't worth the effort.

```bash exec echo "one" \ "two" \ "three"\ "four"\ # test "five" \ # test "six" ``` prints `one two three four five six`. I didn't check in detail, but...

in progress

Most applications using either of these toolkits will have a similar quality of Wayland support. A thing to note here is that the quality might depend on the used compositor:...

big refactor

If you search for "An unknown error occurred", you'll find a lot of issues with a lot of different causes. This is making things harder for everybody. Please change this...

I just installed your tool and now found a big ugly `.Bytecode-Viewer` in my home directory. Please respect the [XDG basedir specification]( instead.
