Pooya Parsa

Results 476 issues of Pooya Parsa

By using [unjs/c12](https://github.com/unjs/c12) we support many goodies such as preset/extends support (#195) and multiple file formats Depends on https://github.com/unjs/c12/issues/92


By bundling unbuild dependencies like rollup plugins, we can make sure builds are predictable against unbuild versions and less likely to have regressions but also less install size. Downside is...

This will fail CI when building with an incompatible Node.js version. We shall set a sanity default for this field covering unbuild/mkdist minimum.


## Current Modules ### Google Tag Manager (gtm) GTM makes life easier when we need to manage to multiple analytics/marketing tags (including 3rd party tags) to project without directly modify...

**🐛 The bug** What isn't working? Describe what the bug is. **🛠️ To reproduce** `package.json`: (trying on [ohmyfetch](https://github.com/unjs/ohmyfetch)) ```json "exports": { ".": { "node": { "import": "./dist/node.mjs", "require": "./dist/node.js" },...


**🆒 Your use case** Being aware if a `dependency` is missing and being inlined **🆕 The solution you'd like** Have console warning about externals and a config to mark them...


**🐛 The bug** What isn't working? Describe what the bug is. **🛠️ To reproduce** - Create `src/types.d.ts` - Inside `src/index.ts`: ``` export * from './types' ``` `siroc build`: ``` [UNRESOLVED_IMPORT]...
