Pooya Parsa

Results 476 issues of Pooya Parsa

Currently, the npm state is chaotic as each maintainer decided and went with a different path of how exporting (or internally using) wasm modules. The idea is to provide docs...


While the final goal is to have a standard way to natively import `.wasm` files from all JavaScript runtimes, it is not possible today, and for Node.js is behind an...


While ESM style imports should be tool-free, we might also expose some common useful utils for WebAssmbly modules. Ideas welcome.


API support: - [x] Name exports - [ ] Default export to allow binding Builder supported and tested: - [x] Rollup - [ ] Vite (needs testing) - [ ]...


Probably with an automated PR It is coded in https://github.com/unjs/untun/blob/fcd499561887169560199f00434a876b331fb99f/src/cloudflared/constants.ts#L10 Releases https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflared/releases/

Sometimes tunnel might not be running for any reason and it is not also easy to debug. We might implement some sort of auto healthcheck and restarting mechanism


Need to debug/investigate why ![image](https://github.com/unjs/untun/assets/5158436/4b19e042-d708-421d-928b-92e303bffede) (reported last time by @Atinux) This might also help for similar cases: https://github.com/unjs/untun/issues/11


Query package info from npm registry (latest, tags, etc) in addition to locally installed version

We need check `jsr:` prefix and run the proper command for adding


Moving from https://github.com/unjs/c12/issues/128 reported by @Callan003 PNPM might ask for example: `he modules directory at "/Users/pooya/tmp/test-nuxt-layers/a/node_modules" will be removed and reinstalled from scratch. Proceed? (Y/n) ` in a monorepo.
