Pooya Parsa

Results 959 comments of Pooya Parsa

@kevinmarrec, yes you are completely right. But as this hook was working like this at least since [v2.0.0](https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt.js/blob/v2.0.0/lib/builder/builder.js#L507) I suggest introducing correct `webpack:` prefixed hooks. Meanwhile, you can use `build:resources`...

@Soviut for better control you can instead use [ignore](https://nuxtjs.org/api/configuration-ignore/#the-ignore-property) property.

Checking dependencies `@netlify/[email protected]` uses `@netlify/[email protected]` which uses `[email protected]` which is quite old. Latest is v3 but I'm afraid there is much interest as i guess Netlify is planning to advocate...

LOVE THIS! For the naming component, I suggest using ``. I thought we could have more client-fallback strategies such as timeout and a more generic name could cover them. Merging...

@danielroe Do you mind to rebase and also bump nitropack to 2.x edge to move it forward and try on edge channel?

Related PR to access data: nuxt/framework#7569 I think `useNuxtData` makes sense (comparing to `useData()` in other PR and `getNuxtData()`). We use `use*` prefix for composables that use implicit context/CAPI. And...

Thanks again dear @mahdiboomeri

Thanks for working on this @nathanchase ❤️ I've pushed a few refactors to simplify and improve readability and also only include relevant to Nuxt 3 files.

Thanks for the pull request dear @xtoolkit please keep doing this