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.nuxtignore should have separate development and production variations

Open Soviut opened this issue 4 years ago • 2 comments

What problem does this feature solve?

We have a components gallery with several pages that we use for building and displaying components in isolation. This is very useful in development but I wanted to exclude these pages from the production build.

I found the documentation for .nuxtignore ( but the following copy lead me to believe that it would only be applied in production as part of a nuxt build.

You can use a .nuxtignore file to let Nuxt.js ignore layout, page, store and middleware files in your project’s root directory (rootDir) during the build phase.

This should be clarified in the documentation. However, I think it would be useful to have separate and files that allow more fine grained control to ignore different files/directories based on the environment.

Soviut avatar Apr 16 '20 16:04 Soviut