Phu Ngo

Results 8 issues of Phu Ngo

In case machine are updating, when script running and require refreshSUL, original function will kickstart the softwareupdated service it also will stop all current update process, we need add another... line 975 set wrong key name (ForceUpdateStartEpochTime need change to ForceUpdateStartTimeInEpoch) old: ``` # Record the start time for forced update via GUI the plist setPlistValue "$BundleID" "ForceUpdateStartEpochTime" "integer"...

in some case the jamfhelper killed by terminal or Activity Monitor it will not return 239 error code and return empty intend old code ``` checkAttemptToQuit(){ Value="${1}" # Jamf Helper...

Line 977: issue: fix the data type from integer to string setPlistValue "$BundleID" "ForceUpdateStartTimeString" "integer" "$ForceUpdateStartTimeString" "$DeprecationPlist" fix: setPlistValue "$BundleID" "ForceUpdateStartTimeString" "string" "$ForceUpdateStartTimeString" "$DeprecationPlist"

code in line 970 need correct syntax current: ``` # Determine the current start time in epoch seconds for forced update via GUI ForceUpdateStartTimeInEpoch="$(/bin/date -jf "%a %b %d %T %Z... Can we add new OrgScore 6.3.6? ``` #!/bin/zsh # shellcheck shell=bash script_dir=$(dirname ${0:A}) projectfolder=$(dirname $script_dir) source "${projectfolder}/" CISLevel="1" audit="6.3.6 Ensure Advertising Privacy Protection in Safari Is Enabled (Automated)" orgScore="OrgScore6_3_6"...

New CIS require audit retention is 60d or 5G Current config: 60d or 1G New Config: 60d or 5G

"If" statement syntax error in line 30 change From: `if [[ "$t2Check" == "1" ]] then` to `if [[ "$t2Check" == "1" ]]; then`