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OSUpdateNotifier: refreshSoftwareUpdateList() issue in Monterey (M1) machine issue 1

Open phu-ngo opened this issue 3 years ago • 2 comments

In case machine are updating, when script running and require refreshSUL, original function will kickstart the softwareupdated service it also will stop all current update process, we need add another function to check if there no update going on before kickstart the service

# pngo 1/5/22 include check UpdateBrainService process, to avoid restart softwareupdated when user are updating
function checkingUpdateProcess(){
    if ps aux | grep -e com.apple.MobileSoftwareUpdate.UpdateBrainService$ >/dev/null; then
        debug "com.apple.MobileSoftwareUpdate.UpdateBrainService is running, potental Update in process, exit"
        exit 0

include the function on on top of current refreshSoftwareUpdateList()

    debug "Refresh Software Update list"
    # check update process, make sure there not update running

phu-ngo avatar Jan 10 '22 04:01 phu-ngo

Another issue with Monterey (12.0.1) is softwareupdate -l sometime return "no update available" I have some modify in refreshSoftwareUpdateList() to reduce the issue (not eliminated it but help most of my case)

# pngo 1/5/22 redo the refreshSUL function to resolve some issue with M1 machine also to work better with jamf policy
    debug "Refresh Software Update list"
    # check update process, make sure there not update running
    for (( j=0; j<3; j++ )); do
        # Store list of software updates in /tmp which gets cleared periodically by the OS and on restarts
        runAsUser /usr/sbin/softwareupdate -l --force 2>&1 > "$ListOfSoftwareUpdates"
        setPlistValue "$BundleID" "LastUpdateCheckEpochTime" "integer" "$CurrentRunEpochTime" "$DeprecationPlist"
        # Variables to capture whether updates require a restart or not
        UpdatesNoRestart=$(/bin/cat "$ListOfSoftwareUpdates" | /usr/bin/grep -i recommended | /usr/bin/grep -v -i restart | /usr/bin/cut -d , -f 1 | /usr/bin/sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' | /usr/bin/sed -e 's/^Title:\ *//')
        RestartRequired=$(/bin/cat "$ListOfSoftwareUpdates" | /usr/bin/grep -i restart | /usr/bin/grep -v '\*' | /usr/bin/cut -d , -f 1 | /usr/bin/sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' | /usr/bin/sed -e 's/^Title:\ *//')
        if [[ ! -z $UpdatesNoRestart ]] || [[ ! -z $RestartRequired ]]; then
            # update detected, exit loop
            if [[ $j == 0 ]]; then
                # Restart the softwareupdate daemon to ensure latest updates are being picked up
                # pngo 12/30/21 if restart the daemon system will not pickup the update right the wait and indicate "Your Mac is running latest software update allowed by your administrator"
                # the issue will go away in 2-10 minutes
                killall "System Preferences" 2>/dev/null
                /bin/launchctl kickstart -k system/com.apple.softwareupdated
                # Allow a few seconds for daemon to startup
                debugVerbose "restarting com.apple.softwareupdated daemon"
            debug "Retry $((j+1))"
            /bin/sleep 120

    debug "Recheck Update list:"
    debug "UpdatesNoRestart: $UpdatesNoRestart"
    debug "RestartRequired: $RestartRequired"

    # if no update detected after many try, the computer should submit last inventory to Jamf so it will exclude from OS Update policy (using smartgroup)
    # careful when schedule the jamf policy because if you not exclude it correctly the machine will re-submit inventory every 4 hours
    if [[ -z $UpdatesNoRestart ]] && [[ -z $RestartRequired ]]; then
        debugVerbose "No update detected, submit Inventory to Jamf"
        jamf recon >/dev/null

phu-ngo avatar Jan 10 '22 04:01 phu-ngo

@bp88 I'm open for discussion, there some improve I do before deploy in our env, would love to talk with you about this

phu-ngo avatar Jan 10 '22 04:01 phu-ngo