Philipp Stratmann
Philipp Stratmann
> I currently have the input spikes stored in a buffer, but would appreciate input on whether it is better to store the input spikes or the output activations in...
> Thanks for pushing this discussion forward. However, I suggest not to create a ring buffer PER SYNAPSE. This would be unnecessarily costly in memory. Instead extend the existing Dendritic...
One additional point that came to my attention while Chinonso and I were tuning hyperparameters: In many cases, we don't want to search through a grid of hyperparameters. Instead, we...
Unfortunately, I didn't create a full list of those occurrences. Examples can be found in src/lava/lib/optimization/solvers/generic/ l. 163, 234, There were such instances in some places. Not a high prio...
Thanks @AjayKumar-LVLS for reporting this issue, and for investigating it! This is definitely not an issue with the time the tutorial needs to run. That should be
The warning is fixed by this lava PR: But that doesn't solve the issue. Still investigating.
Hi @AjayKumar-LVLS , Can you check whether line 753-755 of your /home/ubuntu/lava-optimization/.venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/lava/magma/compiler/ file reads as follows? `classes = [m[1] for m in inspect.getmembers(module, inspect.isclass) if m[1].__module__ == module.__name__] for cls...
Hooray, that's good news! Please ensure that Lava is always up to date, also in your side-packages. Could you also check if the runs now? Re hyperparameter tuning: We...
Dear @AjayKumar-LVLS , Thanks for your patience, as we were preparing the release and the workshop. As you have experienced, my bug fix was reverted initially. The reason was that...
Re: Parameter tuning At the moment, we are continuously improving the performance of the QUBO solver. As part of this, we expect changes to the solver dynamics and hyperparameters. As...