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Implementing Synaptic Delays with Delay Process

Open kds300 opened this issue 2 years ago • 11 comments

Issue Number: #237

Objective of pull request: Implement synaptic delays in connections between neurons by introducing a new Delay process.

Pull request checklist

Your PR fulfills the following requirements:

  • [x] Issue created that explains the change and why it's needed
  • [x] Tests are part of the PR (for bug fixes / features)
  • [ ] Docs reviewed and added / updated if needed (for bug fixes / features)
  • [x] PR conforms to Coding Conventions
  • [x] PR applys BSD 3-clause or LGPL2.1+ Licenses to all code files
  • [x] Lint (flakeheaven lint src/lava tests/) and (bandit -r src/lava/.) pass locally
  • [x] Build tests (pytest) passes locally

Pull request type

Please check your PR type:

  • [ ] Bugfix
  • [x] Feature
  • [ ] Code style update (formatting, renaming)
  • [ ] Refactoring (no functional changes, no api changes)
  • [ ] Build related changes
  • [ ] Documentation changes
  • [ ] Other (please describe):

What is the current behavior?

  • Synaptic delays are currently not supported by the Dense() object. Synaptic delays can be useful in manual SNN algorithm design using LIF neurons.

What is the new behavior?

  • Implements Delay process which can be called using weights and delays as inputs Delay(weights, delays). This creates a dense connection matrix (similar to the Dense process) with the defined weights and delays for each connection. Each connection waits a number of timesteps equal to the delay before sending a spike.

Does this introduce a breaking change?

  • [ ] Yes
  • [x] No

Supplemental information

  • This is only a floating point, CPU implementation of the Delay process.

kds300 avatar Jul 08 '22 22:07 kds300

Thank you for your contribution! We will take a look next week.

awintel avatar Jul 09 '22 01:07 awintel

@kds300 Thanks for your contribution!

To get tests to work like all of our others can you copy an empty file from one of the other procs into the tests/lava/proc/delay/ folder?

See dense folder for example:

mgkwill avatar Jul 11 '22 20:07 mgkwill

@kds300 Thanks for your contribution!

To get tests to work like all of our others can you copy an empty file from one of the other procs into the tests/lava/proc/delay/ folder?

See dense folder for example:

Hi @mgkwill , I've added the init file to delay folder.

kds300 avatar Jul 12 '22 00:07 kds300

@kds300 Thanks for your contribution! To get tests to work like all of our others can you copy an empty file from one of the other procs into the tests/lava/proc/delay/ folder? See dense folder for example:

Hi @mgkwill , I've added the init file to delay folder.

Awesome, Thanks @kds300. Now that we have the unit tests working in CI, I'll take a closer look at the code and do a formal review in the next day or so.

mgkwill avatar Jul 12 '22 04:07 mgkwill

Dear Kevin (@kds300),

Thank you very much for your contribution! Both for coding this important functionality; and for providing such extensive unit testing!

The delay is an important feature of Dense. Thus, I would suggest that you implement the delay behavior and the cyclic buffer directly into the Dense Process (or an inherited DenseDelay Process) and not into a separate Delay Process.

In addition, the delay feature will also be important for other connection Process, like Sparse or Conv. Maybe you see a chance for code reuse? For example, to factor out your cyclic buffer into a mixin class that both the Dense, Sparse, and Conv Process inherit from besides AbstractProcess. But that would cause additional work on your side; thus feel free to focus on the delay for Dense for now.

I would suggest not to create a Var for max_delay. For parameters that will never be changed during code runtime, the best practice is to store it in the process as self.proc_params["variable_name"] Please see lava.proc.sdn.process for an example on how to use it. In the ProcessModel, you can then read out the value again as shown in lava.proc.sdn.models.AbstractSigmaDeltaModel

You may have noticed that we have recently released the major new Lava version v0.4.0. Unfortunately, the release has several breaking changes, also for your PR. Maybe you could check that your Process is still compatible, in particular concerning variable names in Dense. One major difference is that use_graded_spikes: bool has now been replaced by num_message_bits. The message is only a bool (-> astype(bool) ) if self.num_message_bits.item()== 0; otherwise the message is an integer. In addition, RunCfg should now be fully functional. Thus, you won't need to use a dedicated DelayRunConfig anymore.

If you could provide these changes, I will be pleased to approve your PR and add your code to the repo!



Hello Philipp (@phstratmann), I'll work on these changes and update the PR once they're complete!

For the buffer, I'll implement it directly into the Dense process for now, but I could look into creating a mixin class later. I currently have the input spikes stored in a buffer, but would appreciate input on whether it is better to store the input spikes or the output activations in a buffer.

Thanks, Kevin

kds300 avatar Jul 19 '22 15:07 kds300

I currently have the input spikes stored in a buffer, but would appreciate input on whether it is better to store the input spikes or the output activations in a buffer.

Dear Kevin (@kds300),

I just noticed that your reply included a question. Sorry for the delayed response, and thanks for your patience.

To answer your question, let me highlight two features that we would suggest a delaying Dense process to have:

  1. Within a Dense process, different neurons can have different delays. Thus, we may have a Dense layer with e.g. 10 synapses, of which 5 have a delay of 1 time steps, and 5 of 2 time steps. This is the reason why you cannot simply buffer a_out values: It is possible that the a_out value targeting one neuron is composed of spikes from some neurons with a delay of 1, and some with a delay of 2, in this example.
  2. In later stages, synapses will adapt their weights online. A spike arrives at t_0=0, and is forwarded to the downstream neuron at t_1=delay. Within t_1 – t_0, the weight may have adapted. Still, the spike should induce a change in the downstream neuron according to the weight w(t_0). This is the reason why you cannot simply buffer s_in values: The information w(t_0) would be lost once you forward the spike after "delay" time steps.

Thus, what we would suggest:

  1. Create a ring buffer (1D numpy array) for each synapse. For groups of synapses that share a delay, you may use a 2D array.
  2. When a spike arrives at a synapse w_i at t_0, write the value w_i into the delayed field of ring buffer i.
  3. In each time step, you derive the value a_out by summing the values w_i that must now be forwarded to the same neuron.

I hope may explanation is clear. If not, let me know and we can quickly chat by phone.

Once again, thanks a lot for your contribution!

phstratmann avatar Aug 15 '22 17:08 phstratmann

Thanks for pushing this discussion forward. However, I suggest not to create a ring buffer PER SYNAPSE. This would be unnecessarily costly in memory. Instead extend the existing Dendritic Accumulator from a 2 step to an N step ring buffer.

Whenever you receive a spike, you can immediately multiply input activation s_(j) (in case of graded spikes) with weights w_(i,j) and accumulate it in a future time bucket of the dendritic accumulator dend_acc_(i,k). Here the delay index k into the dendritic accumulator for each post synaptic neuron i is the sum of the current time index and the delay corresponding to the synapse with weight w_(i,j) modulo the size of the buffer: mod(t + 1 + d_(i,j), d_max+1). The +1 accounts for the fact that for delay 0, spikes are at least accumulated in the next time bucket form the current time step t.

One way of implementing this efficiently in vectorized form would be to concatenate the weight matrices corresponding to different delays along the i-dimension: W = np.vstack(w_(i,j, d==0), w_(i,j, d== 3), ..., w_(i,j, d==d_max)) Then you can just do an vector matrix multiplication and reshape the result: act = np.reshape(W * s, dend_accum.shape) The differently columns in this activation matrix can just be added to the dendritic accumulator at the right index locations corresponding to future delays.

awintel avatar Aug 15 '22 17:08 awintel

Thanks for pushing this discussion forward. However, I suggest not to create a ring buffer PER SYNAPSE. This would be unnecessarily costly in memory. Instead extend the existing Dendritic Accumulator from a 2 step to an N step ring buffer.

Thanks, Andreas! You are absolutely right, that's a substantially more efficient implementation. Just one clarification for you, Kevin: By "dendritice accumulator", Andreas refers to the a_buff in the Dense PyProcModel.

phstratmann avatar Aug 16 '22 11:08 phstratmann

Thanks for the suggestions! I'll rewrite the process based on this discussion.

kds300 avatar Aug 17 '22 14:08 kds300

Hi @kds300 any progress on this?

mgkwill avatar Sep 21 '22 23:09 mgkwill

Hi @kds300 any progress on this?

Hi @mgkwill, I had been focusing on other parts of my group's research project so I haven't gotten much done on this yet. I'll work on the updates discussed above and update the PR.

kds300 avatar Sep 22 '22 15:09 kds300