Results 21 comments of Philipp Rescheneder

Hi and thank you for reporting this. Unfortunately, I could not reproduce it. I ran slamdunk map and slamdunk filter on a small FASTA file and got '*' as quality...

Hi Jacob, thanks for reporting this and sorry for the late reply. I'll look into this. Philipp

I just pushed a fix to the master branch that should resolve this issues. Will try to put together a new release tomorrow. Thanks again for reporting this, Philipp

Thank you for the feedback! Instead of commenting out the line you could also run cmake as follows: `cmake -DSTATIC=OFF ..` This will give you a dynamically linked executable. However,...

I also moved `SET(CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES ".a")` in front of `find_package( ZLIB REQUIRED )` as suggested on stackoverflow. So when using `-DSTATIC=ON` cmake should now throw an error. Thanks again for the...

Hi! Thanks for reporting this! You are right, the quality string should be reversed and ngmlr is actually doing it, unless the quality string starts with an '*' (which is...

Thanks for the feedback! Starting from the next release ngmlr will print the read file name as well. Philipp

Hi Wouter, thanks for the feedback. I'll try adding a proper error message for this. Cheers, Philipp

That's great, thank you very much. Could you do me a favor and please change the version in `CMakeLists.txt` to 0.2.9?

Hi! Could you send me the reads or a couple of reads that cause this problem? Thanks, Philipp