Ben Chatelain

Results 104 comments of Ben Chatelain

Understood and completely agree.

Looks like the hostname on the link should be There's also a Swift version - -

😲 wow, this is a big PR

The success from the new Danger check is misleading as there was an error running swiftlint. > From > * [new branch] ci/action/danger -> origin/ci/action/danger > /home/runner/work/OAuthSwift/OAuthSwift/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/danger-swiftlint-0.26.0/ext/swiftlint/bin/swiftlint: 1: Syntax...

Wow, that's a lot to read through, but a fantastic amount of detail! Intermittent issues are such a pain. Let me see if I understand what's detailed above. 1. HTTP...

What product or IdP service are you using for your OAuth server? It looks a bit odd that several responses are setting the `PWRD` cookie. ``` "Set-Cookie" = "PWRD=8f47b5160c4a380aabd4bd3f25ecc323; expires=Sat,...

@RahulTak are you passing a full URL as the callbackScheme? Your scheme should not contain a colon. ASWebAuthenticationSession used to only log an error if you passed a full URL...

Yep, it worked for us too in 14.4, but check your logs for the error. What changed in 14.5 is that Apple is now crashing instead of just logging an...

@jrtibbetts [`ASWebAuthenticationURLHandler`]( is the library's wrapper for `ASWebAuthenticationSession`. It has been a part of the library for a couple of years now.

@raxityo If we downgrade the minimum version of iOS that this handler requires then we can't expose those newer properties you mention. I for one am looking forward to using...